
Giyeon Yoon takes pride in her ability to move the hearts of her audience when she plays her violin. Her passion for the instrument started at just six years old in her homeland of South Korea. Since then, she’s had a versatile musical career…

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The Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s (DSO) Lynn Harrell Concerto Competition just celebrated its 21st edition at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center. The jury included Jun Märkl, Aleksandr Snytkin, Jolyon Pegis, Joe Hubach, and Giyeon Yoon.

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The DSO is a wonderfully diverse group with a shared passion. These are some of their stories. Giyeon Yoon is a newcomer to the ranks of the DSO, joining the orchestra in 2019…

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서울예술고등학교를 졸업하고 서울대학교 음악대학에서 학부와 석사를 수석으로 졸업한 윤 바이올리니스트는 맨하튼 음악대학 전액 장학생으로 선정돼 서울대 석사에 이어 두 번째 석사 학위를 취득했다…

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Ten Outstanding Music Academy of the West musicians have been selected to travel to New York as Zarin Mehta Fellows in January 2018 to participate in the fourth year of the New York Philharmonic Global Academy Fellowship Program, which offers opportunities to train and play with Philharmonic musicians…

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Ms. Yoon performs as a member of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Explore DSO’s Concerts & Events at

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